Five Attitudes Colossians Grows Within Us
This is the first full week that many of you in our community begin studying the book of Colossians! If you haven’t heard about it yet, we launched our first ever TJM study, diving into this powerful book. You can find it: here. Colossians unveils so much about our Savior. I thought to simplify some of this down, let’s use the acrostic “IMAGE” so help us remember some key truths. My prayer is that this simple lesson will help bring us closer to the heart of our Lord.
I Invisible becomes visible in Christ. Wonder grows in our hearts.
M Mediator, Christ, is the way to reconcile God and man. Hope grows in our hearts.
A Authority, ultimate and over everything. Reverence grows in our hearts.
G God's fullness lives in human flesh. Awe grows in our hearts.
E Eternal, but allowed himself to be bound by time. Gratitude grows in our hearts.
The unseen eternal God is glimpsed, held and understood in Christ. His entire life from beginning to end intended to help us understand God's heart for us. Friends, this simple reflection begs us to ask the question: do I live in this knowledge?
When I dive into Scripture, do I leave it with more wonder? Has my hope grown? Do I revere the Lord more? Is awe reflected in my prayer life? Is gratitude more top of mind? This week as we memorize this verse, may we grow in our appreciation of the One who made the invisible God known to us. May our lives increasingly reflect His glory.
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