Five Promises as We Abide

I love the word abide. Of course, this is merely the English translation of the Greek word, μένω, or menō. I’m not a Greek scholar so I won’t dive much more deeply into than that today. But I did want to share some thoughts on the abiding through a helpful acrostic. I hope the simplicity of this encourages our souls to keep on dwelling deeply with the one Who crafted our souls.

A All we are and have is His. This bring security.
B Before we ever were, He was. This brings trust.
I “Incomplete” describes our lives without Him. This brings humility.
D Death holds no victory for Christ or us now as believers Things brings confidence.
E Eternal life is where we’re all headed because of Christ. This brings joy.

So friends, this week’s short devotional is meant to give us time to pause and consider- am I abiding in Him? Does my life reflect security, trust, humility, confidence and joy that Christ’s love gifted me? If not, let’s spend some time with Him today and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us to show us how to abide more deeply with our Maker.

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